Ukraine dominates the 86th meeting of the EU-US legislators

Support to Ukraine, sanctions, security and stability, trade and technology and NATO enlargement were among topics discussed in the last meeting of the Transatlantic Legislators' Dialogue (TLD).

©️Melker Dahlstrand/Swedish Parliament

Members of the European Parliament joined representatives from the U.S. Congress in Stockholm on June 16th and 17th. The legislators meeting was led by co-chairs, on the EU side by Radosław Sikorski and on the US side by Nathaniel Moran. Legislators on both sides of the Atlantic have similar concerns. What dominated the agenda were discussions on support to Ukraine, sanctions on Russia, security and stability in the Indo-Pacific, trade and technology, NATO enlargement and EU-NATO cooperation. They had a chance to listen and discuss with the leading experts in these areas. 

“We believe that history has shown that the world is safer when the bond between the United States and European Union is stronger. When we unite in defense of our shared values, we cannot be defeated,” legislators underlined in a joint statement. “Continued and enhanced strategic and policy dialogue between the U.S. Congress and European Parliament is key to finding solutions to our common challenges” - they added. 

Politicians also called on the release of of journalist Evan Gershkovich "...who is being wrongfully detained by the Russian authorities in a blatant case of arbitrary detention and condemn the worrying trend of hostage diplomacy practiced by Russia, as well as the PRC and Iran," they explained. 

The next meeting of the EU-US legislators is expected to take place in the United States in December 2023. 

TLD logo



Joint statement of 86th TLD

List of participants

Website of the EU-US delegation of the European Parliament 


©️Melker Dahlstrand/Swedish Parliament